Freedom Groups

During a 10-week Small Group semester, Freedom Groups meet weekly to discuss a curriculum designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life that Christ came to give you. The Freedom Groups are built on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you accept the truth of God’s Word and start living the abundant life that Jesus came to give you. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.


The purpose of freedom from sin and the influence of the enemy is to have a more intimate relationship with God. Once you accept Jesus as your Savior, you are made righteous by your position as a child of God, not by your performance. At the moment of salvation, our spirit is made alive in Christ and immediately placed in a right standing before God. The Bible calls this event justification: “as if I had never sinned.” However, the soul and body require time and effort to be conformed to the image of Christ, this gradual process is called sanctification.


God created us with three different parts: a spirit that needs to be redeemed, a soul that needs to be restored, and a body that needs to be subjected. Understanding the principles of spiritual order will help us to rid ourselves of sin in our lives and walk in holiness and freedom. Living a life in communion with God does not happen naturally. Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, humanity has struggled with a sinful nature that fights against our desire to be holy. Unhealed broken hearts open the doors to pain, unforgiveness, bondage, and oppression. Emotional wounds can keep you in bondage.

Healing of Spiritual Blindness

The battle for freedom begins in the mind with the lies the enemy tells us. Just as he did with Adam and Eve, if the devil can make you believe a lie, he can lead you into sin and trap you in spiritual blindness and slavery. Freedom from sin comes when we replace the devil’s lies for the truth of His Word. Jesus Himself said in John 8:32 “and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Freedom from Slavery

Walking in freedom comes with a price. When we begin to walk in our purpose, we will draw the attention of the enemy and we must anticipate his attacks and take them as a sign of encouragement, we are a threat to his plan to keep the world in darkness. When these attacks come, remember, you belong to God and the enemy cannot change that, no one can snatch you out of God’s hands. Victory is ours in Jesus!

Freedom from Oppression

The response to freedom is to remain in relationship with Jesus through prayer and meditation on the Scriptures. Jesus is the Word of God. He is the fulfillment and incarnation of the Scriptures. Knowing the Word of God and abiding in it is the answer to freedom. Jesus does not set us free in order to accept us. He accepts us in order to give us freedom. Only in Jesus will we find complete freedom. Then, because of our position in Christ we can appropriate what we already are in Christ: I am saved, I am forgiven, I am a child of God, I am a new creation, I have the mind of Christ, and therefore I live in freedom!


The most extraordinary thing that happens during Freedom Groups is that lives are changed forever. We would love to hear what God has done in your life through this experience!

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